Bad Work Habits Be Gone - June 18, 2024

Plus: Common workplace struggles, a habit tracker & more.

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Stop right there! 👮 Are you guilty of sabotaging your career growth with bad habits? Because we will find out — and do our best to help you change it. So, read on for tips, inspo and handy resources, and let’s kick-start the process of forming better habits!

This week’s fuel and work wisdom:



Reflect on the following 2 questions. 💭 What’s the worst that can happen if you make no changes to your current situation — and what’s the best imaginable scenario that could result from making changes? Observe how each answer makes you feel.

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Kick bad work habits to the curb 🦵

bad work habits

We’re all guilty of bad habits, but having plenty at work can halt your productivity and performance! So, if you find yourself procrastinating on the job, here are ways to kick those bad habits to the curb — once and for all!

1.  Identify your triggers 🔎

If a big task seems daunting and makes you procrastinate, try tackling something smaller first. Then, once you’re in the right frame of mind, you can work on the big project that seems overwhelming.

2. Replace your bad habits 📛

Once you’ve identified what your bad habits are (like scrolling through social media), it’s time to replace them! Consider locking your phone away or using blocking apps that don’t allow you to go on social media platforms during working hours.

3. Measure your progress

Once you’ve gotten specific about your habits, you also need to be clear about how you’ll measure your progress as you eradicate them. A simple to-do list can help you keep track of how far you’ve come.

4. Increase the pressure ⌛

If you need an extra nudge to kick your habits to the curb, recruit some help, whether it’s a colleague tracking your tasks or an app to help you stay focused. It’s important to place enough pressure to get the work done.

5. Plan for success 🏆

It’s important to plan your days to ensure you’re hitting all your targets and completing your tasks. A weekly plan might work better for some people who have mammoth projects to tackle.

— Joanna Zambas



🤓 TO LEARN: These websites are a great starting point for taking an online course or two.

❤️ TO LOVE: Passion is what drives your career forwards. Have you found yours?

🔎 TO GET SEEN: Make sure your online presence helps you stand out — for the right reasons.



Learn how to make AI work for you.

AI breakthroughs happen every day. But where do you learn to actually apply the tech to your work? Join The Rundown — the world’s largest AI newsletter read by over 600,000 early adopters staying ahead of the curve.

  1. The Rundown’s expert research team spends all day learning what’s new in AI

  2. They send you daily emails on impactful AI tools and how to apply it

  3. You learn how to become 2x more productive by leveraging AI



Ikigai = the Japanese concept that refers to giving a person a sense of purpose. And Dr Miro Bada has a simple formula to help you find yours — check it out below! 👇

Dr Miro Bada image


The office’s bad habits

Are your coworkers constant bad habit offenders? This particular office documented their staff’s characters. Have a watch, and see if you can relate! 😅

office bad habits


Gen Z and Millennial workers are struggling at work. 😰 A recent Gallup report found that only 31 % of US workers under the age of 35 are “thriving” — down from last year’s 35 %. Read more insights →



Better habits in 3, 2, 1...

habit tracker

Until a behavior becomes, well, a habit, it helps to have little reminders so that you’re consciously making an effort until it comes naturally.

Our Habit Tracker can provide those reminders: simply pop in the things you’d like to do differently, and keep the sheet in front of you during the workday, ticking off your progress!

Stay tuned for more awesome gifts…



😎 Rec Activities to Do outside Work: Whether it’s after the workday or on the weekend, you might want to try these activities.

✍️ How to Write a Cover Letter: From how to structure it to what to say, we’ve got you covered!

Best Student Gadgets to Own: Want to make life at college a little more fun? You’ll want to take a look at this list.



bad habits meme



Before you run!

Thanks for trusting in us with your career! We’ll be back in your inbox next week, once we've carefully collected the latest stories, resources and career inspo. Reply and let us know your feedback to help us push you further ahead, or vote below!

Catch you on the next one :)


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Created with care by Chris Leitch, Joanna Zambas, and Electra Michaelidou.