Winter Blues Be Gone - Jan 22, 2024 Newsletter

PLUS: Freebie habit tracker, Monday’s to do, and curing Monday Blues.

But first coffee. ☕ Whilst you’re sipping your brew, we’ll tackle the good ol’ Monday blues and give you expert tips on how you can make today a little better. We promise: it is possible! 

PLUS… A free habit tracker to help you stay on track when you’ve lost your mojo. 👇

Employee fired while premature baby is in NICU. 😯 Baby clothing CEO Ying Liu fired Marissa Hughes when her adoptive baby was born prematurely and needed emergency care after the ex-employee asked to work remotely. The CEO was then forced to post a groveling apology, which she later admitted to be scripted. Read the story →

In the spotlight

Do you have winter blues or seasonal affective disorder? 😖

Winter blues

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that happens at a particular time of year, and the majority of people tend to experience this during winter months ❄️(although it’s not exclusive to winter).

And while symptoms are similar to winter blues (feeling lethargic, unmotivated, down), SAD may completely disrupt your life.

Here are some all-important symptoms to look out for:

  • Disrupted sleep

  • Lack of concentration

  • Unhappiness

  • Feeling low in energy

  • Increased appetite

  • Weight gain

  • Crying

  • Isolation

  • Feeling irritable

If you’re experiencing any of the above, it’s important to be exposed to plenty of light 💡throughout the day. But if that’s not enough and you’re still feeling down, consult a medical professional.


Give yourself 30 minutes. ⏰ Before you leave for work in the morning, spend 30 minutes doing something for yourself — like scrolling through your Instagram feed while you sip your coffee.


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How to cure the Monday blues 💊

It’s Monday morning. Your alarm starts to ring. The last thing you want to do is leave your bed and go spend 8 hours with your colleagues and somewhat annoying manager. And yet you have no choice — at least right this moment.

If this scenario plays out frequently, you might want to create the habit of waking up a little earlier in the mornings so you can combat the Monday blues by:

  • Going for a short walk or doing some stretches to improve blood flow and prepare the body for the day ahead.

  • Catching some sunlight. Even if it’s just pulling back the curtains and sitting near the window for 10 minutes. 🌞

  • Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea without rushing, with your senses engaged (aka mindfulness!).

  • Picking out an outfit that makes you feel confident, ready to take on the week.

  • Remembering the good stuff. Thinking of some things you’re grateful for, be it your cat, house or best friend, can cheer you up.

  • Planning something to look forward to. Like ordering in chocolate waffles for lunch or grabbing a coffee with a colleague after work. ☕

If you experience the Monday blues every single week, however (or on just about any day of the week!), you’ll want to consider some bigger-picture stuff. What aspects of your job or career are unfulfilling? What can be done about them?

Identifying the sources of your work-related gloom can help you set actionable goals to move in a direction that’s more rewarding, financially or otherwise.


Make Monday (and every day) awesome 💪

habit tracker

Dreading Mondays is a universal thing, but it’s all about reshaping your routine and habits, and reframing your mindset. And our Monthly Habit Tracker will help you get started.

It’s completely editable, and it’s designed to help you track your habits and see what’s working and what isn’t — so you can make Mondays (and every day) worth looking forward to.

Stay tuned for more awesome gifts.


Every Monday Matters by Matthew Emerzian

Change your life one Monday at a time. That’s what Matthew wants to help you do in this inspiring read. Across its 176 pages, you’ll be taken on a 52-week journey to find happiness, reconnect with what really matters and make a difference in the world.



🧣 Our list of confidence-boosting outfits for winter.

😺 10 mindset changes that can make you happier.

🏆 Learn how to motivate yourself in 25 steps.

🤣 100 memes about work to cheer you up.

Break room


Catch you on the flippity flip :)


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