Our Take on New Year's Resolutions - Dec 27, 2023 Newsletter

Discover achievable New Year's resolutions in this edition.

It’s the final countdown (almost)! ⏲️

2024 is just around the corner, and it’s time to start preparing for it, if you haven’t already. In this email, we’re talking about New Year’s resolutions: whether they’re good or bad, tips for keeping them, and more.

PLUS: Land your dream job in 2024 with our Get Hired Bundle. Scroll down for it! 👇

In the spotlight

NY resolutions don’t work for everyone — and that’s okay

NY work resolutions

“I will quit smoking.” “I will start going to the gym.” “I will learn a new language.” These are just a few of the New Year’s resolutions I’ve made over time.

I admit that I didn’t see them through, even though I did quit smoking (for a week), go to the gym (for 3 months), and learn French (well, the basics, anyway). 😳 I felt guilty and embarrassed for not fulfilling the resolutions I made, and I would beat myself up over it — until I realized that it’s perfectly okay to give up on them, whether we choose to do so consciously or subconsciously.

Because they sometimes can be incredibly harsh. While we should constantly aim to improve ourselves, NY resolutions might not be the way to do it, as they focus on the perceived “wrong” things in our lives. Sure, smoking IS wrong (it’s bad for your health), but creating NY resolutions also comes with added stress — which is far worse for our mental wellbeing. 🧠

Instead, experts suggest moving away from the NY resolutions model and towards focusing on smaller goals. This, essentially, bolsters your motivation — and success rate. For example, instead of “I will get in shape this year”, you could simply take a 10-minute walk every day after lunch, gradually moving to a 20-minute walk and then a 30-minute jog.

Of course, if you have the determination and motivation to set — and meet — NY resolutions, then go for it. 👍 Just make sure that you are kind to yourself throughout the process, even if there’s a slip-up or two along the way.

I, for one, will not be making NY resolutions for 2024. And no one should feel pressured (perceived or not) into making their own resolutions. They’re not everyone.

— Chris Leitch, Career Expert



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Declutter your desk. 🧹 Get rid of any loose papers or junk that you no longer need, and start the new working year fresh.

To Do
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NY Resolutions
Career advice

Swap resolutions with an action plan 🕶

“What’s the difference?” you might be wondering. Well, New Year’s resolutions are often statements that sound good in theory, yet lack the depth that’s needed for them to materialize.

For example, your list of resolutions could comprise sentences like “drop 20 lbs” or “increase savings” or “walk more”. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting any of those things, the statements themselves say nothing about the why, the when or the how: why it’s important you succeed in said thing, when you want to have accomplished it by, and how to reach the outcome you desire.

Plus, the more general your goals are, the easier it is to stack them up; and the more you’ve got on your plate, the likelier it is that you’ll start to feel overwhelmed once that initial hunger for change wears out. 😵‍💫

On the other hand, creating a more detailed plan of steps you’d like to take in 2024 can ensure that you accomplish what you envision. A thought-out plan will be more focused (why not start with a single goal instead of several?) and allow you to draw from past experiences (how about an evaluation of 2023 and what’s worked — or hasn’t?).

The more selective, specific and thorough you are when crafting your plan, the likelier you’ll be to hit your personal and professional targets from January onwards. Good luck! 🍀


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Catch you on the flippity flip :)



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