2024 Wellness Goals - Dec 22, 2023 Newsletter

Get your wellness on track for 2024 with our top tips!

You’re sleigh-ing it! 🔥

You had so much to do over the last few weeks, but here you are: ready to put your feet up for a few days. Speaking of putting your feet up, why don’t we talk about moving, exercising and overall wellness for a healthier 2024?

🎁 PLUS: Grab our fillable Work–Life Balance Planner to keep track of everything that matters.

In the spotlight

Walking 10k steps for $ 10k 💰


You know that CEO stands for chief executive officer and that CMO stands for chief marketing officer. But what about a CSO? Can you guess what that job title refers to? We’ll give you a second to think about it.

Nope, it’s not a chief strategy officer that we’re talking about. It’s something a lot more unusual: a chief STEP officer. That’s right: someone in charge of literally taking steps, or walking, on behalf of their company. 🚶 The company in question, in this case, being none other than GymBird, a wellness and fitness service.

Looking for someone who’d be up for a challenge, GymBird advertised their CSO job opening earlier this year. The listing mentioned the following responsibilities:

  • Walk 10k steps in a single day, building up to it over a one-month period.

  • Share one social media post each week to motivate others to take on the challenge.

  • Provide a 2-minute video recap on progress every week.

  • Write a few sentences describing how the process is going every week.

For this task, GymBird offered 5 consecutive monthly payments of $ 2k. That’s right: this job is not just good for your health; it also pays well! If this isn’t a dream job, we don’t know what is. 😩



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Start a gratitude journal. 🙏 Every day, list five things you’re grateful for. This helps you pay attention to things you might take for granted, improves your mental state and even alleviates stress.

To Do
Daily inspiration
Yoga poses
Career advice

Wellness goals worth making in 2024

With the start of each new year, is a long list of positive goals to meet. 🎯 But as we all know, since we’ve been there time and time again, they normally fade out by the end of January.

So, how can we make sure we stick to our wellness goals this year? Well, the key to that answer is making achievable and simple goals to meet.

If you’re someone who hasn’t exercised in years, don’t aim to take on five HIIT sessions a week, because you’re just going to tire yourself out and fall off the bandwagon. Instead, start off lightly with three gym sessions of something you enjoy doing before you jump into the deep end.

To inspire you, we’ve listed a few goals that are easy to stick to:

💊 Take supplements: If you find yourself lacking in energy or getting sick often, you need a boost of Vitamin D and C.

🥤 Drink more water: It can do the world of wonders, so start by increasing your intake each day.

🤸 Move your body: Even if it’s a 20-minute walk or a 10-minute stretch at your desk.

🧘 Meditate: Relax your mind and body with some simple breathing exercises.

🙏 Practice gratitude: Whether it’s journaling or writing down a few notes on your phone.

🥕 Eat healthier: Try to add more fruit and vegetables into your daily diet.

🛍️ Do something for yourself: Read a book, go shopping, hang out with friends do — whatever makes your heart happy.


Find your balance between work and home

work-life balance planner

Effortlessly organize your schedule, set priorities and cultivate a balanced life with our downloadable and fillable Work–Life Balance Planner (on us!), and embark on a journey to a more fulfilling and well-rounded lifestyle.

Stay tuned for more awesome gifts…



🖥️ The best position for computer monitors.

😴 Why you should be going to bed early.

⚕️ These jobs are great for your health.

🧘 Staying fit at work with yoga poses.

Break room
gym meme

Liset via Pinterest

Catch you on the flippity flip :)



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