Leveling up your skills - Dec 18, 2023 Newsletter

Improve your professional skills with these tips and tricks!

Welcome aboard! 🚢 We’re sailing to the island of Professional Skills, and exploring why skills development is useful, how to achieve it, and its role in reducing FOBO (more on this in a second).

🎁 AHOY... A career development worksheet so you can plan out your next steps.

In the spotlight

What’s FOBO, and how do you make it go away?


The most common reason why people quit their jobs is earning a low salary. 💸 Can you guess the second most common one? It’s a lack of career progression and advancement — in other words, feeling stuck.

Despite this, many companies fail to prioritize upskilling or reskilling their employees, two concepts that concern enhancing workers’ skill sets.

With upskilling, you’re teaching employees additional skills they can use to boost their productivity and efficiency in their current role, whereas with reskilling, you’re teaching them skills to have them progress to a different role within the company.

Both of these entail ongoing learning, which is vital in keeping your team engaged — and keeping their stress levels low, by helping them combat FOBO. 😰

Like FOMO, the fear of missing out, FOBO refers to the fear of becoming obsolete, which up to half of all employees struggle with! With advancements in technology set to radically transform more than 1b jobs in the next decade, workers need their employers to invest in future-proofing their skill sets so they can continue to work with confidence.

Evidently, when companies fail to do this, they end up losing their best talent to employers who invest in their teams.



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To Do

Unlocking your career potential, made easy

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What makes your career tick? Articulate your goals, assess your skills and strategize your growth with our complimentary Career Development Worksheet

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Give your transferable skills a little love ❤️

In the ever-changing world of work, your transferable skill set enables you to adapt to different roles, industries and technologies, ensuring your professional relevance.

As a result, they make you a versatile and valuable asset as you navigate diverse career paths and explore opportunities in different fields.

But how can you develop your transferable skills? Try these methods:

🔎 Begin by conducting a thorough self-assessment to identify your existing strengths and to pinpoint areas for improvement. Reflect on your professional experiences, educational background and personal life to gain insights into your skill set.

💼 Actively seek diverse experiences within your current role or through additional projects. Engage in tasks that challenge you and expose you to different aspects of your field. This variety enhances your adaptability and broadens your skill set, making you a more versatile worker.

🤝 Cultivate a strong professional network. Attend industry events, connect with colleagues and participate in online communities. This provides mentorship opportunities and exposure to diverse perspectives.

‍🎓 Embrace a mindset of continuous learning. Stay informed about industry trends, technological advancements and best practices. Likewise, attend workshops, enroll in online courses and pursue certifications relevant to your field.

🗳️ Regularly seek feedback from peers, mentors and supervisors. Construct feedback provides valuable insights into your performance and areas for improvement. Also, reflect on your experiences, challenges and successes to refine your approach through self-awareness.



💪 The complete guide to professional skills.

🤑 The greatest online courses for $ 0.

🏆 How to be successful at work.

🎥 Watch these TED Talks for some career inspo.

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Beta Salmon

Catch you on the flippity flip :)



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