Friday 8th September Newsletter

Professional line standing, résumé tricks, Friday's gift, and more...




It’s the end of the week! 😀 Bringing in the weekend, we’ve got:

  • Weird professions: Standing in line for a living.

  • Résumé tricks: How to stand out more.

  • Career development worksheet: A gift from us to you.

💡 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “You can’t move mountains by whispering at them.” — P!nk, American singer


Standing still to make a living

working hard standing

Certain professions, from healthcare jobs to hairdressing, require you to be on your feet around the clock. But these jobs don’t just make you stand there; they (naturally) require a fair bit of moving around, too. Well, it looks like someone finally went and did it: come up with a job that literally pays you to stand around, that is. 🧍

Freddie Beckitt works a “professional queuer”, meaning he stands in line so other (often richer) people don’t have to. If you’re wondering how much this earns him, the answer is around £ 160 a day, or $ 203.50.

His clients range from working parents who have no time to do anything to old age pensioners. And it’s actually a little more demanding than it sounds: Freddie sometimes has to queue for hours outside of shops in the freezing cold. 🥶

Do you think you could do this job? Reply to this email and let us know.


inspiration graphic


The smartest use of screen time yet

Brilliant screen

🧟 Get out of mindless scrolling and into a world of knowledge and growth. With Brilliant, you can transform idle moments into opportunities for learning and career development.

Dive into their captivating lessons in math, data science, and CS, and watch as your understanding expands and your skills flourish. With thousands of bite-sized lessons available on any device, Brilliant fits seamlessly into your schedule, allowing you to level up in just minutes a day. 🧠

Make your spare time count. Join over 10M learners worldwide and get a 30-day trial.


Featured vacancies

➕ AI Architect - Birmingham, remote
➕ IT Administrator - Hereford, remote contract
➕ Director of Data Governance - Chicago, hybrid

Popular searches


Plan your weekend 📅 Give yourself something to look forward to as you navigate the final day of the workweek. Make plans with family and friends to go to the cinema, visit the local museum or go camping.


The résumé tricks up your sleeve

With hundreds of jobseekers applying for the same job as you, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. Especially when every résumé that comes across the hiring manager’s desk basically looks and reads the same.

But you can make your résumé a little more unique with a few tricks — and ultimately grab their attention:

✍️ Write a catchy headline. Something like “Content Writer with 8 Years’ Experience in Developing High-Quality SEO Content”, which goes underneath your name.

🎯 Ditch the objective statement. Instead, use a career summary to show employers what you can do for them, not the other way round.

🔗 Include relevant links. Provide employers with examples of your work by linking to your LinkedIn profile, personal website and professional social media pages.

📈 Quantify your achievements. Use numbers and percentages to provide evidence of your results, hard work and expertise.


🤣 The work memes that will make you ROTFL.

💡 Need some résumé inspo? These ideas will help.

🎵 Become a music producer: the ultimate guide.

👗 Say “goodbye” to dress codes with these 15 jobs.


Your career development starts now…

career development worksheet

If advancing your career feels a bit like a brain teaser, you might find our Career Development Worksheet handy. It guides you on carrying out a self-assessment based on your strengths, personality and values, and helps you set actionable goals for the future.

Stay tuned for more awesome gifts…


Job references + Résumés = ?

cat stretching

Got a question about your career or job search? Our experts have got the answers! This week, Ellis G from Melbourne, Australia asks:

🤔 Should I include job references in my résumé?

Nope! They’ll just take up valuable space. You should only ever include references if:

If you do include references, make sure that you first ask for permission from your referees and that you create a dedicated section for them at the end of your résumé — or, ideally, list them in a separate document.

— Chris Leitch, Résumé and Career Expert

Reply to this email with your own questions!


office meme

I Love Tequila via Facebook

Catch you on the flippity flip :)

💬  Help us be even better. Give feedback

Created with care by Chris Leitch and Electra Michaelidou.