Friday 25th August Newsletter

Golf ball diving, building confidence, interview prep, and more…



Laughter on Call

It’s Friday and we’re loving it! 🎣 Let’s reel in the weekend with:

  • Golf ball diving: A career that can more than pay the bills.

  • Your own biggest fan: Our tips on building confidence at work.

  • Job interview preparation: A handy checklist for jobseekers.

💡 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” — Colin Powell, American politician


Professional golf ball diving: a career in recycling (sort of)

There truly are some interesting and rare jobs out there. But did you know you can make a living helping golf courses recycle? 🏌️ Not plastic, glass or paper items, but golf balls. Professional golf ball divers have one job: to retrieve golf balls from bodies of water.

If you’re not into getting wet or being out in the sun for long periods, it’s not your job of choice. It’s also not glamorous, with retrievals often happening in murky waters. But it can pay well! Some reports show an earning potential in the area of $ 100 per hour.

Glenn Berger, a 14-year veteran ball diver, once claimed to have made $ 15m as a golf ball diver! 🤯 At a minimum of $ 1 per ball and an estimated 1.3–1.7m golf balls each year, the math adds up. The one issue is that it can be dangerous. Throughout his diving career, Berger has encountered snakes, lawnmowers, tables and, you guessed it, alligators. 🐊

Think you’ve got what it takes to be a professional golf ball diver? Reply and let us know!


self-care at work


Create a happier workplace with shared laughter

laughter on call

Laughter On Call uses a unique combination of Improv games and Stand-up prompts to make Happy Hours less awkward, work teams more creative and productive, and teach comedy tools for self-care under stress. 🎭

With our roots in mental wellness, whether virtual or in-person, compassionate comedians lead engaging and interactive sessions that deliver laughter when you need it most!

👇 Ready to bring more laughter to your work or family?


Featured vacancies

➕ Data Quality Test Engineer, IL - Onsite/remote
➕ Trainee Developers, UK - Fully remote
➕ Change Management Lead, London - Hybrid

Popular searches


Update your LinkedIn profile 👌 Make sure it includes your latest (and relevant) experience, courses and awards, and consider rewriting your profile if you have some time to spare.


Build your confidence at work 💪

Some people seem to be naturally more confident than others. Luckily, if you’re not one of those, there are still ways you can develop faith in yourself and become your biggest fan. Let’s look at how:

😱 Face your fears. Are you scared of public speaking? Volunteer to lead more meetings and present to more people. The more you do it, the less intimidating it becomes.

📖 Increase your knowledge. There are plenty of podcasts, documentaries and books out there that can teach you about subjects you’ve not explored before.

😌 Embrace your mistakes. Perfectionism will not push your career forward. In fact, it might hinder your progress. Learn from mistakes. And remind yourself that everyone makes them!

🕺 Dress to impress. Clothes can and do make a difference!


🐱 WFH with pets? Read our tips to stay productive.

🤔 These 20 excuses are perfectly acceptable for missing work.

💼 The complete guide to writing your résumé’s employment history section.

💰 How to make six figures — our interview with Galit Ventura-Rozen.


Job interview coming up?

interview checklist

Job interviews can be equal parts exciting and scary! To help you minimize the anxiety and experience more of the excitement, we’ve prepared a handy checklist.

Our Job Interview Checklist will guide you through the days leading up to your interview to help you crush it!

Stay tuned for more awesome gifts…

FUN FACT 😴 Did you know that taking naps at work in Japan is both acceptable and highly respected? The practice of inemuri — or even feigning inemuri — is a sign of diligence!


lunch break meme

@Dardisney via Facebook

Catch you on the flippity flip :)

💬  Help us be even better. Give feedback

Created with care by Chris Leitch, Electra Michaelidou and Aaron Niles.