Monday 26th June Newsletter

Interactive workspaces, concentration, working for idiots, and more…




Entering the last week of June 🌞 Wrapping up the month with:

  • Unexpected workspaces: They make everything better.

  • Brain, be quiet: The apps that can help you concentrate…

  • Working for idiots: Our book recommendation for the week.

💡 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer


Choo choo, cool office passing through!

Kinetic office

Not every office space is the same. Some are spacious yet lifeless, others are vibrant yet small. And then, once in a while, you see an office that seems to have everything: space, light, color and the most unusual yet satisfying decor you’ve seen.

That’s the case with Kinetic Communications, an internet technology studio in Birmingham, AL. Created by Creature (a merger of Golden Construction and Appleseed Workshop), the space makes use of original Victoria Station train cars and centers around what’s called the “Cube”. 🚂

The “Cube” is an interactive space with movable walls that allow employees to create windows and shelves where they want. The customizable walls extend to other parts of the building, too, so that every office shares the same functionality! And then there’s the bar, the sunny roof terrace, the pool table room… and the caboose waiting area. How cool! 😎

What do you think of this space? Reply and let us know!

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Your first draft, fast

Canva AI text

✨ Looking for some words of inspiration to kickstart your creative process? Magic Write in Canva Docs is your very own AI text generator to help you create a first draft, quickly. Simply start with a prompt and watch as copy, blog outlines, lists, bio captions, content ideas, brainstorms, and more appear in seconds.



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Let go of perfectionism, even for a day 🙏 Allow yourself to work at a comfortable pace and forgive yourself for any mistakes that might have recently occurred.


Hey, Siri — help me focus!

Some days it’s near impossible to concentrate; the mind simply doesn’t obey. But luckily, there’s a growing number of productivity apps that can aid us on our quest to focus better at work! They fall into these categories:

🍅 Pomodoro technique-inspired apps. These productivity apps discourage you from mixing work with breaktime. They work with timers, giving you a 5-minute break for every 25 minutes of work.

🚫 Social media blocking apps. Not every app is created equal: some are designed to step on the neck of other ones, so to speak. When you download them, you’ll be in effect locking yourself out of your social profiles.

🕒 Time-blocking apps. This is a different type of “blocking” to the one above. Time-blocking apps let you divide your time into blocks, helping you organize your tasks and stay on track.


✂️ Look suave at the interview with these hairstyle ideas.

📜 The different types of job contracts you should know.

💷 25 jobs that pay $ 25 an hour and require no degree.

✏️ Want it? Say it! How to ask for a bonus in writing.


How to Work for an Idiot by John Hoover

How to Work for an Idiot book cover

How to Work for An Idiot is a guide for readers to rise above the challenges brought on by an incompetent boss. This “vertical mobility challenge” can be disheartening for the global workforce, but John Hoover shows there can be productive ways of dealing with “idiot bosses”.


Wanderlust season ✈️

woman on boat

Despite it not being everyone’s favorite season, summer remains the most popular time of year for travel! So, we just have to ask: if you could fly anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Our pick would probably be Japan. Or Peru. Or Italy. Or Barbados. Okay, we admit — we have no idea what we’d narrow our list down to. 😬

Any recommendations? Reply and let us know!


8 work meme

Source: Memebase via CHEEZburger

Catch you on the flippity flip :)

💬  Help us be even better. Give feedback

Created with care by Chris Leitch, Electra Michaelidou and Aaron Niles.