Wednesday 31st May Newsletter

Top employability skills, failed ventures, keeping cool, and more…




Whoa, we’re halfway there 🎵 This Wednesday, we’ve got:

  • Failure: There’s a museum for that.

  • Ooh-la-la: The skills that make you a desirable candidate.

  • Stay cool: You’re gonna need this over the summer.

💡 QUOTE OF THE DAY: Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it.” — Katharine Whitehorn, British journalist


The failures that belong in a museum 🏛️

museum art falling

Once asked about his failed ventures, Thomas Edison responded: “I have not failed 10,000 times — I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

While this might at first seem like clever wordplay designed to not admit defeat, some argue that this idea is what made Edison so successful. The Museum of Failure certainly sees it that way.

Founded in 2017, The Museum of Failure is an interactive homage to… well, failure. It boasts an exhibit of failed products and services from some of the world’s largest companies, and a “Failure Wall”: an interactive exhibit that allows museum-goers to post their own personal failures.

At the outset, it seems strange. We’re used to going to museums to experience humankind’s most astonishing achievements, and not its blunders. But the Museum aims to show that most innovations end in failure and that, without failure, there can be no progress.

The idea seems to be sticking. With pop-up exhibits being visited by eager crowds in cities around the world, The Museum of Failure proves that from failure can come immense success.

Had any ideas that failed to launch? Reply and let us know!

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Want in on trends that drive the future? Join over 200k driven professionals who read TheFutureParty – the daily newsletter that dissects the business of entertainment & culture all in a quick and witty package.


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Bring in some donuts. 🍩 (Or some other sugary goodness.) Food always brings people together and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it can increase team productivity and performance.


How to make yourself attractive to employers

eyebrows gif

Beyond a job’s general experience and qualification requirements, employers also consider your skill set when making a hiring decision. In particular, they look at your transferable skills — skills that you take from one job to another, and which can make you a more attractive candidate.

So, which skills make you more employable — and make employers fall in love with you?

These 4 are at the top of their wish list:

💬 Communication. Being able to communicate clearly and effectively with those you work with is an essential part of almost any job. It eliminates unnecessary misunderstandings, while it also enhances a company’s productivity and efficiency.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Teamwork. Even if your job requires you to work independently or you’re a bit of an introvert, you’re still part of a team, working harmoniously towards the same goals. Plus, being a team player means fewer workplace conflicts — and headaches for your manager.

🤔 Problem-solving. Problems arise in every workplace. It’s inevitable. And employers look to their employees to troubleshoot and solve these problems, whether it’s streamlining a work process or addressing customer’s complaint.

👨‍💼 Self-management. Most (competent) managers don’t want to watch over you and hold your hand every step of the way. They want someone who needs minimal supervision, someone they can trust to motivate themselves to consistently deliver solid results.

Try to incorporate these skills in your résumé and make sure to refer to them in your interview answers, while providing concrete examples.


🦸 The complete guide to professional skills.

🌄 20 TED Talks to inspire you.

💵 Repaying your study fees: 12 simple tips.

👨‍💼 Tips to appear more professional at work.


Summer’s a-comin’ ☀️

USB-Powered Desk Fan

The HOLMES 4" USB-Powered Desk Fan will keep you cool when your colleagues will not let you crank up the AC.

FUN FACT 🚽 Did you know that that the average work desk hosts 400 times more bacteria than… the average toilet seat?! (Burn. The. Desks.)


work meme

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Created with care by Chris Leitch, Electra Michaelidou and Aaron Niles.